That mischievious girl down the street...

I'm an imperfect girl who treasure friendships very well. 19/12/96 my day, purple's my colour and chocolates are my obsession.

Friday, February 18, 2011

My Life :D


Overall, that's how 2011 is. There's so many things that it's lacking. And, there's a HUGE difference in how 2o1o was sompared to 2o11. Not much of enjoyment or fun. More of homework, and just enough time to rest and that's all. That's how much it sucks :/

Phew, finally common tests are officially over. I wish I could say this. But hell it's a no. I've still got a Physics test to kill and yeah it's over. The first few months have been boring and hectic. Like, adapting to sec3 life. And, overloaded by homework. On top of that, we gotta study for tests and yeah u wouldn't want me to elaborate on them. Cause, they're just plain boringgg! :/

Finally, I'm gonna get to enjoy. Oh yeah, next week the Sec3 camp. So much btr than doing homework. And then, I'll be going to Kuantan, Malaysia for humanities trip. Hehe, I'm gonna take lots of pictures :))) And yeah, so that'w abt it.
Before I knw it, the March holidays we'll be over. And, it's going be back to studying and yeah. Okay dudes, that's all for this update. :DDDD

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