That mischievious girl down the street...

I'm an imperfect girl who treasure friendships very well. 19/12/96 my day, purple's my colour and chocolates are my obsession.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


"Stress! Stress! Shits! Stress" Heh, the game 'stress' was like omg similarly stressful. For the sake of those who might've not came across the game stress, this is how it goes. Well, you've just got to follow the order of numbers like 1, 2, 3, ........ 10. The person who finishes the cards first wins. And it is played in pairs. Haha, me and jiji took turns to play today during lessons. And, we also took turns in winning! Omg, I wanna play again. Jiji is my official UNO-STRESS partner!

We also checked our CA2 and SA2 marks today. My results were not bad. Was kinda happy with them. Errr...except for Art I just passed slightly with a 56. Seriously, my Art hella-sucks. So, who cares anyway? Heh, and my English was a B3. Phew, I aimed for a B. So, yeah kudos to me...

Had Guides briefing in the morg today. And Mdm Lock said there's a trip to Indonesia for camp. And it's opened to all uniform grps. I badly wanted RuiJia to go. But, she alr signed up for the twinning prog in Beijing ._. ! Urgh, nvm. Haha hope she has fun in Beijing too. I'll go with my other beloved best friends from Guides. Omg, my first time going overseas in Girl Guides. I'm so excited!

Oh, Ruijia down for camp again tmr. I'm gonna miss her lots. Yaay, that means I'm going have lots of good experiences to hear from her. Haha, and her way of saying them is just so funny. Ohdear Ruijia, I'm gonna miss you honey. Take lots of care, alrites. Awaiting ur return <3>

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