That mischievious girl down the street...

I'm an imperfect girl who treasure friendships very well. 19/12/96 my day, purple's my colour and chocolates are my obsession.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Family gathering was awesome. Getting to meet my cousins more often these days is great. Well, actually thru the gathering I got to knw more abt myself. Especially, my weakness-es and strengths. Normally, ppl find it embarrassing to tell out their weakness-es. But, I guess it shld be known. So that in the future there won't be misunderstandings between me and my fellow friends. Like I've always said, I treasure friendships very well.

So, well we had this particular 'interview session' where we were asked qtns like "What's one thing you like in ur parents? And one thing you dislike in ur parents?" Hmmm, so I kinda enjoyed it. It was very knowledgeable and I got to knw alot abt myself. Okay so let's talk abt the good ones first. As for my strengths, I'm a person who doesn't give up easily. I normally give in easily which tends to be my weakness most of the times. I forgive ppl quite easily. And, I dont' get angry that easily.

As for my weaknesses, I'm an emotional person. And, many ppl knw that I guess. I don't cry easily for small things. But, I can't stand emotional attacks from ppl. On the other hand, I give in to ppl easily which I need to get rid of. I'm also a very soft spoken person.

Overall, I learnt many things abt myself. They're some things that I have to change abt myself. Thus, I enjoyed the gathering at my aunt's hse. I hope to have more of such gatherings in the future..

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