That mischievious girl down the street...

I'm an imperfect girl who treasure friendships very well. 19/12/96 my day, purple's my colour and chocolates are my obsession.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Hey fellas, I guess I'm gonna have an awesome weekend this week. I'm starting to miss manymanymany ppl. My dearest 2e4 barbarians, my awesome bestfs in Girl Guides, and many others. Well, today I shall do dedications to dearest Priyah and Aishah for constantly tagging my blog and also Sile <3

Dear Priyah, you've been a great bestf. I got to knw you thru girl guides. And, it's fun talking to you and everything. Thanks for everything. And, I miss you so much. We should go out somedae and take cares. Love, Lavanyaaaa (:

Dear Aishah, you have also been an great bestf to me. I also got to knw you thru girlguides. Oops, and I first I htought you were Chinese...Thanks for everything. And, I'm missing you too. We should really go out. Hope ur enjoying the hols. Take cares and love you. Love, Lavanyaaaa (;

Dear Sile, well you've been a wonderful bestf to me. And, now we're gonna be in the same class for 4 consecutive years. How awesome is that? Heh, well. Thanks for everything. I appreciate all of them alot. I hope to go out with you soon. Enjoy the holidays. I'm missing you lots. Take cares. Love, Lavanyaaaa :D

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