That mischievious girl down the street...

I'm an imperfect girl who treasure friendships very well. 19/12/96 my day, purple's my colour and chocolates are my obsession.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Those days, I can still remember them. The first time I stepped into Bukit View during Sec 1, it was kinda nerve-wrecking and scary. Because, it's like you don't really know anyone. And none of them in my class were from my primary school. So, that explains my nervousness and everything.

I saw many unfamiliar faces. We had to assemble in the hall. Personally, I'm a very chatty person who loves to crap alot. So, it was like kinda awkward and I kept smiling at the ppl sitting near me and they smiled back. After long, I couldn't take it any more. The silence was like killing me badly. So, I decided to strike a conversation. I was like "Hey, I'm Lavanya! You are?" And yeah the person sitting beside me introduced herself. Omg, I forget who it was. Then everyone started talking to each other.

The Sec 1 orientation camp was damn awesome. I enjoyed it alot. I was able to bond more with my class and stuff. Yeah, and it was just so fun. The PSLs were so enthusiastic and yeah we simply enjoyed it. Our 1e4 rocked.

And soon, one year passed. We were finally moving on the Sec 2. But, it didn't really affect us much as we were all remaining in the same class. So, we were glad abt that. My life as a student in 2e4 was a great one. The troubles we got into and stuff were a learning point for us. As a class, we went thru thick and thin.

Now, school's ending tmr. It just semmed like I got to know 2e4 yesterday. And. before I know it school's coming to an end. I'll miss the Barbarian cheers, "Wahh piang eh!", paperball throwing, getting wet in the rain, name-calling, disturbing teachers and acting like nothing happened when the teacher asks. So many fond memories of 2E4. And, now its all coming to an end. Why must it be so fast?

After collecting back our Report Books, Mr Gan said "Class, you may go!" and he left. Many of us cried because it was just hard to leave such a class having gone thru thick & thin. Because, it'd never be all the same again. No matter what class I go into next year, I'll always remember 2e4 as one of the best class I've ever been in. I just wanna say, I love you 2e4 so much!

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