That mischievious girl down the street...

I'm an imperfect girl who treasure friendships very well. 19/12/96 my day, purple's my colour and chocolates are my obsession.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Those days, I can still remember them. The first time I stepped into Bukit View during Sec 1, it was kinda nerve-wrecking and scary. Because, it's like you don't really know anyone. And none of them in my class were from my primary school. So, that explains my nervousness and everything.

I saw many unfamiliar faces. We had to assemble in the hall. Personally, I'm a very chatty person who loves to crap alot. So, it was like kinda awkward and I kept smiling at the ppl sitting near me and they smiled back. After long, I couldn't take it any more. The silence was like killing me badly. So, I decided to strike a conversation. I was like "Hey, I'm Lavanya! You are?" And yeah the person sitting beside me introduced herself. Omg, I forget who it was. Then everyone started talking to each other.

The Sec 1 orientation camp was damn awesome. I enjoyed it alot. I was able to bond more with my class and stuff. Yeah, and it was just so fun. The PSLs were so enthusiastic and yeah we simply enjoyed it. Our 1e4 rocked.

And soon, one year passed. We were finally moving on the Sec 2. But, it didn't really affect us much as we were all remaining in the same class. So, we were glad abt that. My life as a student in 2e4 was a great one. The troubles we got into and stuff were a learning point for us. As a class, we went thru thick and thin.

Now, school's ending tmr. It just semmed like I got to know 2e4 yesterday. And. before I know it school's coming to an end. I'll miss the Barbarian cheers, "Wahh piang eh!", paperball throwing, getting wet in the rain, name-calling, disturbing teachers and acting like nothing happened when the teacher asks. So many fond memories of 2E4. And, now its all coming to an end. Why must it be so fast?

After collecting back our Report Books, Mr Gan said "Class, you may go!" and he left. Many of us cried because it was just hard to leave such a class having gone thru thick & thin. Because, it'd never be all the same again. No matter what class I go into next year, I'll always remember 2e4 as one of the best class I've ever been in. I just wanna say, I love you 2e4 so much!

Monday, October 25, 2010


Time is flying really really fast. Before I knew it, End-Of-Years were finally over. Now it's just two more days till sch officially ends. I wonder who will end up in the same class with. I roughly can guess those who'll be in the same class as me. But, I'm gonna miss 2e4 so freaking bad...

2e4 is such an awesome class. Ohyeah, I love 2e4 so much. Its just two more days for sch to end. Its sad for all of us. But, life has to go on doesn't it? So, yeah maybe we shall have a gathering or something during the holidays to meet up. And even next year, to remember to wonderful times we had together as a class. I'll never forget the awesome days I had as a student of 2e4. They were fun, and exciting ones. I wish everyone in 2e4 good luck for their getting back of report books on Thursday and hope the get into the various streams they want. Thanks for all ur valuable friendships and i'll treasure them forever. <3


These few days weren't much of an enjoyment. Though, they should be fun. Grandma is admitted in hospital and Dad's having high fever. I hope they're really alrite. I hope they get well real soon. And school's gonna end very soon.

Ohno, 2e4 has always been a great class. Though, we might have caused teachers alot of trouble at times and have been quite noisy, we're a class you can never find. Everyone in 2e4 makes our class a special and unique one. I've never quite regretted knowing anyone in 2e4. But, it's just so hard to say goodbye to a class you've been with for almost 2 years, Especially Mr Gan and Miss Cheong have been great form teachers. Though, sometimes our action might have upsetted them badly. I think they have done a good job in maintaining our class discipline and stuff. They're simply awesome and not to forget our various sub teachers too. Aww, I'm gonna miss 2e4 so damn badly.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I'm back for an update peeps! Hehe, well so this weekend was awesome and tiring and blahblahblah. Tmr there's sch. And its sad that sch's gonna end soon. Next year, we're all gonna go diff classes. I'm gonna miss 2e4 like crazzzzyyy! Ohno, I really hope time will slow down. Okay guys, enough for today. Byebye (:

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Well, from my blog title. It's so evident that I'm friggin' bored to the core. Couldn't we simply have sch today. The plan abt weeks ago was that we were supposed to go to Ion Orchard to eat the ice-cream buffet *drools*. But, alot of them can't make it so it was cancelled. But nvm, I guess we're going sometime next month.

Yaay, but I'm gonna watch Child's Eye with Sile next Tuesday. Ohyeah, and its her birthday today so I sincerely wish her a Happy 14th Birthday. Thanks for always being there for me in terms of good and bad times. I love you <3

Happy Birthday Sile!


"Stress! Stress! Shits! Stress" Heh, the game 'stress' was like omg similarly stressful. For the sake of those who might've not came across the game stress, this is how it goes. Well, you've just got to follow the order of numbers like 1, 2, 3, ........ 10. The person who finishes the cards first wins. And it is played in pairs. Haha, me and jiji took turns to play today during lessons. And, we also took turns in winning! Omg, I wanna play again. Jiji is my official UNO-STRESS partner!

We also checked our CA2 and SA2 marks today. My results were not bad. Was kinda happy with them. Errr...except for Art I just passed slightly with a 56. Seriously, my Art hella-sucks. So, who cares anyway? Heh, and my English was a B3. Phew, I aimed for a B. So, yeah kudos to me...

Had Guides briefing in the morg today. And Mdm Lock said there's a trip to Indonesia for camp. And it's opened to all uniform grps. I badly wanted RuiJia to go. But, she alr signed up for the twinning prog in Beijing ._. ! Urgh, nvm. Haha hope she has fun in Beijing too. I'll go with my other beloved best friends from Guides. Omg, my first time going overseas in Girl Guides. I'm so excited!

Oh, Ruijia down for camp again tmr. I'm gonna miss her lots. Yaay, that means I'm going have lots of good experiences to hear from her. Haha, and her way of saying them is just so funny. Ohdear Ruijia, I'm gonna miss you honey. Take lots of care, alrites. Awaiting ur return <3>

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Dear guys,

I know I've not been updating my blog for veryvery long. I was all stressed up with exams. Now that their all over, i'll update as often as I can alrites. So, we got back all our results and I'm quite happy with them. As for Art, haha I couldn't care less because I simply have got no interest in art. It's like my enemy.

I'm planning to get into the Triple Science stream. It's been my goal since the end of Secondary one. That was my first choice. So, I really hope I get my first choice. Well, enough of streaming. Let's just wait for the results on the 4th of November.

I have got so many plans for the holidays. Just came back from Port Dickson and it was simply awesome. Haha, enjoyed myself with my cousins aft a longlong time. Gonna watch the new Tamil movie today. Aishwarya Rai is like so gorgeous and $15 for that movie is simply worth it.

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