That mischievious girl down the street...

I'm an imperfect girl who treasure friendships very well. 19/12/96 my day, purple's my colour and chocolates are my obsession.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Family gathering was awesome. Getting to meet my cousins more often these days is great. Well, actually thru the gathering I got to knw more abt myself. Especially, my weakness-es and strengths. Normally, ppl find it embarrassing to tell out their weakness-es. But, I guess it shld be known. So that in the future there won't be misunderstandings between me and my fellow friends. Like I've always said, I treasure friendships very well.

So, well we had this particular 'interview session' where we were asked qtns like "What's one thing you like in ur parents? And one thing you dislike in ur parents?" Hmmm, so I kinda enjoyed it. It was very knowledgeable and I got to knw alot abt myself. Okay so let's talk abt the good ones first. As for my strengths, I'm a person who doesn't give up easily. I normally give in easily which tends to be my weakness most of the times. I forgive ppl quite easily. And, I dont' get angry that easily.

As for my weaknesses, I'm an emotional person. And, many ppl knw that I guess. I don't cry easily for small things. But, I can't stand emotional attacks from ppl. On the other hand, I give in to ppl easily which I need to get rid of. I'm also a very soft spoken person.

Overall, I learnt many things abt myself. They're some things that I have to change abt myself. Thus, I enjoyed the gathering at my aunt's hse. I hope to have more of such gatherings in the future..

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Hey fellas, I guess I'm gonna have an awesome weekend this week. I'm starting to miss manymanymany ppl. My dearest 2e4 barbarians, my awesome bestfs in Girl Guides, and many others. Well, today I shall do dedications to dearest Priyah and Aishah for constantly tagging my blog and also Sile <3

Dear Priyah, you've been a great bestf. I got to knw you thru girl guides. And, it's fun talking to you and everything. Thanks for everything. And, I miss you so much. We should go out somedae and take cares. Love, Lavanyaaaa (:

Dear Aishah, you have also been an great bestf to me. I also got to knw you thru girlguides. Oops, and I first I htought you were Chinese...Thanks for everything. And, I'm missing you too. We should really go out. Hope ur enjoying the hols. Take cares and love you. Love, Lavanyaaaa (;

Dear Sile, well you've been a wonderful bestf to me. And, now we're gonna be in the same class for 4 consecutive years. How awesome is that? Heh, well. Thanks for everything. I appreciate all of them alot. I hope to go out with you soon. Enjoy the holidays. I'm missing you lots. Take cares. Love, Lavanyaaaa :D

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Hey, guys. I'm back again. Well, ytd was awesome. Watch Harry Potter, with sis and cousin. And it's the awesomest movie of the year. Alrites, I'm gonna keep it a suspense. So those who haven't catched it, whatcha waiting for? Gooo now...

I can't wait for Part 2...

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I've got awesome cousins all around me. And imma so proud of them. They are so caring. And when it comes to any problems we share the blame among ourselves. We have gone thru thick and thin together. Times spent with them are always so awesome. And now we're starting to have more gatherings which is great. I'm looking forward to the weekends this week. And, my movie date with my cousins this Friday (:

Now, let's change the topic. Well, now life's great for me. at it's officially 1 month and four more days to my birthday. Wow, I've been waiting like forever for this day. But, it never seems to be nearing. And I miss school like so freaking bad :(

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Firstly, Deepavali was awesome. Many ppl came to my hse. It was fun because aft so long we could finally bond together and share those sweet memories. Yeah, and it was awesome because I get to eat briyani and prawns, chicken and stuff, Yumyum (: That was the happy part.

It was also sad, I couldn't go for my class outing ytd. Because I had visitings to do for Deepavali. I really regret it right up till now. I really wish I could go. But, now it's all over. Blame it all on me :'(

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Hey guys, haha I'm so excited for Deepavali. Today my cousins are coming over to my hse to stay. They normally do that every year a few days before Deepavali. And when its Christmas we'll go over to their hse to stay a few days before. Yeah, so I'm excited. Haha, because Deepavali only falls once a year. And on this joyous occasion relatives and friends come over to our hse. It's just two days away.

Yaay, I'm gonna put henna today. :) I bought Monopoly Deal. Omg the game is so damn awesome y'know. Thanks to jiji who introduced the game to me. Haha, I played with my sis like so many times ytd. Hmm, I miss meeting, Priyah and Sile at the mrt station and walking to skl. I miss the noisy and lively environment in class. :'(

We may be naughty, we may be noisy. We may cause alot of trouble, we may irritate ppl. We may bully teachers, but we are always the best in our own, unique ways. That's why we are 2e4 a.k.a crazee4

Monday, November 1, 2010


Hey barbarians (the-way-2e4-says-it) ,

Well, did a whole lot of spring cleaning today with both mum and dad. It's tiring but fun. Because somehow you manage to dig out a lot of things that you have been finding for ages. I've become a professional archaeologist. Seriously, Lavanya would you just shuddup. You're crapping really too much!^ Now, my hse is spick and span! (:

God-damn, I haven't started on a single piece of holiday hmk work yet. I wanna finish them faster. Maybe, I should stop procrastinating and finish them soon. Yes, exactly. Oh, and its two days away from the release of streaming results. I hope I get my first choice. And, I'm excited to knw who will be my classmates next year. But, still 2e4 is the awesome best!

We crazee4, we we crazee4 hah! The fond memories...:)


Heyhey, fellas. I'm back for an update. Life's awesome for me now. Haha, so many things going on. Shopping, movies, getting all hyper, going out with friends and cousins. It's been busy all day since the start of the holidays. Deepavali, just four days away. And, I'm ohso excited. It's gonna be hella fun with relatives, friends coming non-stop. Heh, especially wearing new clothes. Not to forget, getting lots of money. I'm gonna be a one-day billionaire guys. Sorry, but I seriously crap alot.

Well, so ytd went for a shopping spree. Took the train to Paya Lebar with aunt, mum, sis and cousin. The This Fashion there's like completely huge. Bought loads, loads of clothes. And after that went to eat seafood. Yum-yum. And headed home. I was dead tired so freshened up and fell flat on my bed. I'm so enjoying my holidays but it's just not right. Something's amiss....

I god damn miss my 2e4 barbarians :(

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